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Daring Class Consultation 2024

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Thank you for placing your trust in me for the next four years. At the start of my term, I would like to put together an agenda which I and your committee will pursue for the next few years.

As the first element of that, I'd really like to hear suggestions from you which will help to achieve my vision:


  • To engage the current membership with high-quality racing and social events, underpinned by robust communications;

  • To reinforce the current fleet ownership, getting new owners involved where current syndicates are approaching retirement and reducing syndicate costs where it is possible without compromising on quality;

  • To grow the active fleet, primarily through the use of the laid-up fleet but retaining the capability to build new;

  • To grow awareness of the class outside of our current sphere, dispelling myths and increasing the attractiveness of investing in the class.

This consultation isn't limited to members or to owners - it's an open survey, so please forward it to whomever you wish (including past members). Please also fill this form in as many times as you like if you have more than one suggestion.

We will take all of your suggestions and review them for achievability, and how they align with ours (and the controlling board's) views. I will then create the overall agenda, with more detailed and targeted actions.

Please do write in as much detail as you are able given your time and knowledge. The more compelling your proposal, the more likely it is to feature! However please don't feel like there's a word count to be achieved. We can fill in some of the blanks ourselves.


Suggestion Category

Success! Thank you for lending your thoughts to the future of the class

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